Wednesday, June 16, 2004

So, I think it's time for a new skin. I guess something happened with the bandwith (whatever that is) of the image I had on this skin, so its gone. So, my skin isn't the same without it. Its lost its flava.

I went out with Max again last night. Everyone was saying "Liz, don't go, Liz, don't go." Everything was fine. But really, I do need to stop being with him so much. Lets not get into that.

So I borrowed one of Max's CD's, its by Papa Wembi (I think that's the name) and its so good! I'm loving African music.

I just thought of something. My love life is like neopolitan ice cream. LOL this is so funny. There's the chocolate. I don't really like chocolate, but I eat it because its there. As a matter of fact, chocolate ice cream doesn't appeal to me at all, I don't even know who's idea it was to put chocolate in with vanilla and strawberry, but that's another subject. Now strawberry, I really like strawberry ice cream. Its so good! The flavor, so delicious, the color, everything. mmmmm. Then, we have vanilla. Vanilla is so so sweet. Really, I guess there's a little bit of that vanilla sweetness in any flavor. Vanilla is classic. So nice and yummy.

Did that make sense?

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