Friday, November 19, 2004

Please Be Nice

What ever happened to people being nice? It seems everybody has an attitude these days, chill out people!

Like this morning, I needed change for a $5 so I could get myself a drink. Since I refuse to patronize the "Campus Cafe" (I'll not digress on this right now), I went to the vending machine, but I did go to the Cafe to get my change. This lady was snappin. First, when I walked in, the lady looked at me crazy right off the bat. She stands at the counter, with this look on her face like "What do you want?? I'm waitiiiiing. . ." Keep on waiting then! Dang. . .
"Hi, can I get change for a $5 please?" (being very nice as usual)
Then, she gives me another crazy look, just full of attitude.
"Well, let me see if I even have change."
You know you got some change! Dang! You're running this little establishment and you don't know if you have 5 $1's in your drawer? Come on now. . .
She starts looking in the drawer, acting like maybe she doesn't have 5 singles, but even I can see she has at least 10-15 in the thing. She starts whipping them out of the drawer, like I just messed up her whole day.
"*SIGH* Well, this time I do have it, but next time, you need to go to the cashier. Don't you know you have a cashier at this school?
Do you really think that I'm going to go in a whole different building to go to the cashier (which is intended for things like, erm, Tuission Payments) when all I need is change for a $5 to get a drink, and you are right down the hallway with a drawer full of money? I don't think so. Homie don't play dat.
She couldn't just be like, "I'm sorry, but the cash in this drawer is just for purchases" Noooo, she had to snap out.
The computer lab has this policy: "Do not eat or drink in the lab. Keep all bottles, cans, cups, etc. sealed, on the floor, or in a bag at all times. Ok, thats cool but I have to say I usually don't abide by it too strictly. I'll sit here and munch on my little cheese crackers, or pretzels as I type away, and swig a couple of drinks of my beverage of choice while I "surf the net". No big deal unless I see the. . .dun dun dunnnnnnn
Computer Lab Nazi!!!!
She's a seemingly sweet, and often helpful lady but don't get 'caught' drinking or eating.
I swear, if you don't strategically sneak your sips and nibbles, this lady will practically spiral down from the ceiling and lasso you to your chair and give you a good ol' scolding.
I was chillin in my seat, drinkin my drink, doin like I do. All of a sudden, this woman pops out of nowhere (let me add that she's about 50) and is all up in my grill!
"Um, Excuuuse me, Excuuuse me!"
I look up at her, thinkin 'What in the heeezzeee??' She says
"Whose drink is This?"
Aww dang, here we go.
"It's mine, I'm sorry. . ."
She plops a fist on her hip, and points to the little sign above me.
"Read that sign"
Ok, dang , I just said I was sorry
"Alright, I'll put it away. . ."
"There is NO drinking in the computer lab. . .!!"
Look here lady
"If you want to take a drink you must go outside of the lab"
"Alright, sorry, I just. . ."
"And whose drink is that?"

Aw, Now she's snappin on my friend. We both got treated by this woman! Whatever happened to "excuse me, but there's no drinking in the computer lab, but you can take your drink outside the lab if you want to drink it"

What happened to being nice? Give peace a chance or something. . .dang

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