Thursday, October 30, 2003

I need some encouragement right now. I feel so bogged down with school work, I just slept away most of my business class that I'm getting a D in, I have to be at work today at 3 and I just missed the bus so I will be late again, I only have 25 cents for the bus and I need 50, I haven't talked to my mother in like 3 days, I haven't talked to my father in weeks and I don't even know where he is, nobody is online for me to talk to, I really need a ride to work, I miss my love.

I don't mean to scare any of you and I do want you all to know that I'm really fine but lately when I drive...

See, I have started to drive more carelessly. And I wonder "hmmm, what would happen if I just ran this red light?" I speed all the time. I see semi trucks and I think of my love. I think "come on, just run into me too, come on, do it." *sigh*

I am gonna be so late to work.

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