Sunday, April 30, 2006

Aww Hell to the Naw!!!

You done done it now.

You know what chick? This whole group project you have been gettin on my nerves. This whole time!!

It started with us not being able to agree on simple things, such as the wording on some concepts, and which things to include/exclude from different sections.

You condescendingly said, "Huh, you must be a perfectionist."
I would think that a group would appreciate that.

Then I really thought I'd had it with you when you said that because I told you we needed to change the wording of the questionnaire for it to make sense because everything that is written should make sense, you said, "Well, you're in the wrong major then."

What the hell? you gon' question my competency in my major? A major that requires a lot of writing, and I want to make sure that my writing makes sense? Oh no you didn't. Oh, but yes you did, however we still had plenty more work to do, so I was willing to let it slide.

Now I am really pissed. da. fugg. off. You gon' send me this email:

Thank you for sending the assignment to me, however i do not appreciate you altering my work. if you had a problem with it you should have contacted me. Also, the way you changed the limitations is worse than the way i had orginally done the assingment because you speak of an incentive which is not mentioned in the paragraph. Next time you decide on your own to change someone else's work, i suggest you contact them first. If you had wanted to do those parts in which i was assigned you could have done this whole project by your self. Understood??Sincerely,

Are you muthafuggin kidding me? First of all let me state that I could care less whether or not you care that I altered your work. I had problems with it, but hmm should I contact you at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. when I'm working on it when it was YOU who complained that I even sent emails that late, as you wouldn't get to check them. Secondly, I changed the limitations section becuase the way in which you wrote it did NOT correspond with the rest of the project. It would have gotten us SO many points taken off, you think I'm not gonna correct it? It's not like I re-wrote the whole thing!! It's not like I even re-wrote it! As far as suggestions go, I suggest that you not speak to me like I'm your child. I am doing my best to refrain from using the B-word, cuz I don't believe in calling women that, but I am sure looking for an alternative. No, I didn't want to do the parts you were assigned, that's why I assigned them to you. And had I done the parts assigned you, I would still not have been doing the whole project by myself, but maybe next time I should.

Your pissed off group member

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