Monday, April 17, 2006

Yo-Yo (ma?)

I saw a commercial the other day for Duncan Yo-Yo's. I guess yo-yoing is trying to make a comeback, cuz seriously I don't think I've seen one YEARS. I used to have one as a kid, took me forever to learn how to use the thing. It just didn't work for me. Now I can yo-yo just fine, but none of that trick stuff, just up and down.

But I realized something while watching that commerical. My yo-yoing skills have evolved my friends. They have evolved into something that I would have never forseen.

I think I yo-yo men.

Don't laugh at me!! I can see you laughing, and maybe it is a little funny. Don't be shaking your head either. I just came upon this realization.

To use the yo-yo metaphor, the man, I'll have him in my hand, everything is cool. Then goes the execution. Give a "this isn't working" speech, and drop'em like a bad habit (except I'm still holding on to the string). I let that sucka GO, and the involvement plummets towards the ground.

Then. . . a week or 2 later I'm making that "what's up witcha, wanna get together?" phonecall. Going in for the re-collection. I'm taking it back up like the yo-yo idiot that I am, but just waiting and waiting for that next drop. *sigh*

Just a-up and down, up and down. I don't mean to, it honestly just kinda happens!

I need a support group. "Hi, my name is Eliz. . .and I. . I yo-yo men"

Hm, I guess while I'm at it I might as well learn some tricks right? :D


Anonymous said...

LOL. That is funny.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me.