Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I was watching a movie where each night the family sat down to dinner (hah) and each person went around and said their high and low for the day. I like that.
High-Talking to my "soul mate" today (*wink* lol). He told me he liked my poem, and I love the way he's mad feeling me on knowing that only I know its true meaning. That was so deep to me, because most people can't even go there, which is why I'm always leery of sharing my poetry.
Low- Talking to Sonia today, she's having such a bad day. When she's sad, I'm sad, but I have to do my best to be strong for her because I love her so much. And thats what I have to do.

I went to vote yesterday, that was cool. I still don't know if they've decided the president yet, but I'm so sure Bush is gonna win. Just one of those feelings. What can ya do? Vote. I did that, so I guess I just leave it alone.

Lately my sister has been on this kleptomaniac thing, I don't know what's wrong with the girl. I even experienced it firsthand a couple of nights ago. I went to pick up mama from work, and I had Symone and her 2 friends (twins) in the car. We go into Party City to wait until she finished up her work, and Symone and her friends separated from me. I went over to where they were later, and Symone's back was facing me. She was talking to the twins about some boy or another, and she turned around to face me, then turned back.
"Come on guys, I'll tell you later so some people won't be in our business."
She proceeds to walk down the aisle
"Wait Symone, come here. Let me check your pockets."
Sister's instinct.
"What? What for? Man. . ."
Getting an attitude. mm hm.
"Just come here. . ."
I proceed to grab her.
"Um, wait, I just gotta show Rae and Devin something"
Powerwalks down the aisle. That girl never walks that fast.
In that motherlike voice. Have you ever sounded like your mother? scary. As she walks down the aisle and turns the corner, I'm watching her every movement like a hawk. Sure enough (she must think i'm dumb, or blind, or that she's incredibly slick) I see her fling something out of her pocket. She turns the corner and I go to see what it is. Lo and behold, a baby bottle pop in the midst of Sponge Bob napkins and paper plates. hmmm, wonder how that got there.
I reapproach her
"Come here Symone"
In that calmest voice ever.
"SEE, nothing in my pockets, just some tissue, a gum wrapper. . ."

My mother's all like "what did I do wrong" and I'm trying to tell her that most parents don't raise their children to do bad things, but we have a lot of people in this world who do. Each one has to make their own decision. What is one to do?

Ok, I'm almost done. I just HAVE to tell you about this email I got today. Now, we know that Knox is mad expensive ($31,000) and yes, I have a scholarship for $5,000 (praise the Lord) but that doesn't do much. Of course there's financial aid and all that, but this email I got today was reguarding a scholarship. A $30,000 renewable scholarship.
How weird/cool/timely is that? They don't just have $30,000 renewable scholarships. I'm stunned and wondering. Hm. Wow.

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