Thursday, April 28, 2005

Thursday Haiku
Forgot my guitar
And supplies for photo class.
'Nother day wasted.
Recap of the week:
Monday-Felt like I'd already been through the week, and needed a weekend. Finally remembered to send more paperwork to Knox. Bought a cool shirt at work for only $2 and enjoyed spending time with 2ra.
Tuesday-Got so caught up in classes and work that I missed a much-needed appointment with my advisor concerning graduation. Will I walk??
Wednesday- Thought I would have an emotional breakdown and spent the whole day fighting and swallowing tears, only to allow them to release in a flood as I drifted to sleep. Decided it was me against the world, so I'd better man-up.
Thursday- Woke up and laid in the bed for about an hour without moving. Decided not to take the much agonized over Stats exam and just fail the class. Gee, everyone thinks I have an attitude. Emotionally I feel cold as ice.
Dayum. Three weeks until the end of the semester, so much wasted time in that stats class. I got shafted when it comes to my teacher, some new guy who gets so excited about math that he forgets he's teaching a class of people who know nothing about stats. Over half the class has dropped, only 10 -15 people out of maybe 30 remain.
I'm watching how the stress of the end of the semester is taking a toll on myself and others. This is not what education is about. The stress is not from brain-overload of that learned; it is from chasing the grade, making sure all papers, projects, and other assignments are in, and are a reflection of everything supposedly learned throughout the semester. Final exams are a joke in themselves. All for the game of grades, but education, true education is not about grades. True education is about enligtenment and knowledge! Education is about empowerment! How can enlightenment be meausured solely by A's, B's, C's, D's and F's?? How can empowerment be placed on a GPA scale?? I suppose it would be too utopian to allow students to have a free mind, to explore ideas and academic solutions without the fear of what impact it would have on their 'grade'. Grades are a game and a joke. Students can 'earn' a grade in so many more ways that are contrary to the goal of education (higher education in specific) than they can by pursuing that which will open their minds. Does anybody see a problem with that??
Random Quote: "That which is reciprocated is often ill-recieved, much like vomit." -Lyric

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