Thursday, February 17, 2005

Other people's blogs just aren't as good as your own. This is the conclusion I have come to. Maybe it's because I'm a person who can be highly critical, maybe I'm just right, but I'm truly convinced that other people's blogs aren't as good as your own.

Your blog is personal. You know what you meant to say when you said what you said but didn't really say what you meant to say *breath*. You know how you really felt when you blogged about whatever situation, and your readers only know how you told them you felt.

Your blog is your story. When you read it, you remember those good times/bad times and it takes you back. Memories are always a good thing, and your blog holds your memories.

Your blog is read by your friends. You can have personal jokes to no end that noone else will understand but you and that blog-reading friend you share that joke with. There's nothing like that. Outsiders can read it, and it won't make sense, and your blog may even be labeled by them as 'crap' (as I have labeled some blogs), but if it's crap, it's your crap, and nobody's crap is like your own.

That said, I love my blog.

So, for those of you who care (which includes those blog-reading friends), Max and I finally had a talk and (tried to) put everything out on the table about our 'situation'. I don't know if we accomplished much, but I sure do feel a LOT better. Now I can breathe. (okay, yea I was breathing before but you know what I mean)

Photography class is going pretty well, do you want me to take your picture? Cuz I would love to! Just don't get too 'posey' on me (and you know who I'm talking to). I want something natural. I want something genuine, not a senior picture. sheesh

Congrats to:

Tura, for moving out. Need anything? just ask me! And know that I am proud of you.
Randy, for getting a blog. Welcome to our blogging community, I hope you enjoy the experience.

Tis all people. Till next week?

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