Sunday, November 30, 2003

September 27th People?? Hmmmm
I got this from a very interesting book

9/27 people usually function very well in real terms or in the eyes of others but may nontheless be plagued by doubts or insecurities. Perhaps this comes as a result of expecting too much of themselves, and in their quest for perfection (they have a tendency to play the hero or martyr) may grow depressed over their inability to completely live up to the impossibly high goals they have set. If those born on this day could lower their standards a bit, or be more accepting of human failings, they would indeed be much happier, but perhaps less exceptional. Because of their fear of failure, and insecurity at a deep level about their natural abilities, they are driven to succeed. Slumps and depressions are not at all uncommon. During these times, 9/27 people may need the support of a good friend, family member, or counselor to remind them of how they are valued and help them to be more at peace with themselves.

Libra 1 (A Libra 1 is in the first half of the Libra 'season')
The Libra 1 takes the perfectionist as its central image. Libra 1's are among the most talented and attractive people of the whole year. It is strange that with so much going for them, those born in this period are often curiously unable to advance as easily as they wish in life. Also, their emotions can be very unstable at times and if not moderated can undermine their efforts. Libra 1's have a high code of honor which they seek to uphold in their conduct. Rarely will they transgress their principles or personal notion of morality, but nonetheless can be extremely subtle in masking their true point of view or intentions behind an ironic or satirical facade. Others may believe they understand Libra 1's only to find out that they were deeply mistaken.

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