Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Ahhhh, it's been so long. Where do I begin??? Well, I am done with school of course, no homework, no tests, no studying no nada!!!! sweeetness indeed.

Now I have a problem. I have nothing to do!!! Since my days are not busied with school and school things, I have nothing to do until I go to work or church. I've been spending all my time shopping and, well, shopping. When the Christmas season is over, then what??? Woe is me. Whatever shall I do??

I can't really sort out my feelings enough to really blog, so I think this shall be short. Sonia's birthday is coming up, she'll be 19. I have no idea what to do for her b-day. I also don't know what to get her for Christmas, isn't that sad? She is my best friend and I don't even know what to get her. I have just about everyone else's present though.

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