Friday, December 26, 2003

Today Sonia called me, telling me about a 'girl's night out' she was having with Tura and some other friends. They invited me to come, but alas, I declined. I really wanted to go, yes, and I can't help but to think what they must be doing now, but being as broke as I am, I probably don't need to be having any fun. Anyway, sorry ladies, maybe next time?...

I saw Larry today again, we chatted for a bit. He asked me to go to dinner with him! Now, I didn't really hear what he had said, but I knew he had mentioned something about buying me food, or something along those lines. I was saying that would be cool, but I had to go back to work and he said
"You actually would?"
"Would what?"
"You would actually go to dinner with me?"
"Oh...Yeah, sure, why not?"
'Cool, we'll have to do that sometime"
What in the heezee have I gotten myself into? LOL

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