Monday, October 06, 2003

ARG! I'm a bit frustrated

Ok, I really have to get used to ths blog thing. It's not doing what I want it to which kinda makes me upset but I don't care too much. I wanted it to put my posts oldest to most recent for the times,but most recent to oldest for each date. That's probably confusing but I know what I mean. I really gotta say mad props to my girl Tura for helping me out. She knows HTML so she helped me hook my stuff up. I really appreciate it my friend! I owe you one. Right now I should be doing homework but I'm not. I'm doing this instead, why??? Sometimes I don't get myself. My mother made me mad again today. She's always so mad lately, it doesn't matter what I do so I just give up. Maybe I shouldn't try to do anything right. She gets so mad at little stuff like when I don't clean my room right away or if I forget to mop the floor. This makes her think I'm a bad child or something but she doesn't realize that what most people my age are doing is way worse than not completing various chores. I just sigh... Hm. I want to talk to Solex. I think I think about him way too much but I really can't help it. Certain things just trigger memories of him and then my mind is off... Man, I write too much. People wonder why I act the way I do, well, it's because I have all this stuff on my mind. I could write for days...

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